How Knowing God Can Make You Ecstatically Grateful

How knowing God can make you ecstatically grateful

How Knowing God Can Make You Ecstatically Grateful

Plunge yourself in the Godhead’s deepest sea; be lost in His immensity; and you shall come forth as from a couch of rest, refreshed and invigorated. I know nothing which can so comfort the soul, so calm the swelling billows f sorrow and grief; so speak peace to the winds of trial, as a devout musing upon the subject of the Godhead.  – Charles H. Spurgeon

Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name.

(Psalm 30:4)

King David was a man who had a heart for God. He composed Psalm 30 in response to the great kindness God poured out upon him when he saved David from death.

God has many names. Each name describes who he is and what he does. In this song, David sings that God is the Lord and is holy. Singing about God as Lord is acknowledging his absolute authority, control, and power.

Singing about God’s holiness means recognizing that the Lord is set far above everyone and everything. This is because he is Creator, the supreme Lord of the universe who is distinct from his creation and his creatures. This is also because God is morally pure and awesomely perfect. Along with all creation, the Bible points out that this true and living One has no equal.

However, while our Lord is totally The Other, he is not what Deists claim – a God who created the world and left it to run on its own without any personal engagement. David knew God as the only transcendent, powerful, and perfect God of the universe. Yet, he also knew God as one intimately present with him. Through amazing love and awesome kindness, this holy Lord used his power to raise David up from the clutches of impending death. God was not an abstract concept but a personal being that was there for him.

When David began to sink into death’s dark bog, he cried out to his Helper for mercy. God expressed his gracious favor with a force that lifted the king out the grave’s threatening clutches and into a full restoration.

How does David respond? Through music. His ecstatic heart proclaims what God did for him. He praises the Lord for his incredible kindness and then dances a jubilant jig. No sports fan wildly cheering his team’s victory could be more excited!

God’s merciful intervention was so profound that David could not restrain his joy. The man went from near death to life, from weeping to joy, from abandonment to loving embrace, and from deep sorrow to dancing. With profound gratitude, this king vows to give thanks to the Lord forever.

Then, he urges those who have a special relationship with the Supreme Savior to join him in a celebration of praise and thanks. David’s bond with the Lord became an overflow of perpetual appreciation.

The point of this song is that you too can express a deep and even ecstatic appreciation for who God is and what he does. This exuberant gratitude is something you can have.  It is for those who have a soul-deep trust in God who rescues. You and I can experientially know God through his son Jesus Christ. Jesus came down from heaven to save us from the ugly grip of death (spiritual death caused by sin and guilt as well as physical death) and restore us to real life. For this, we can be very grateful.

Like King David, when you recognize your plight, cry out to God for rescue, experience the supreme and holy Lord’s personal intervention in your life, then you too can possess a profound joy-filled thanks. Along with David, you too can develop a life of continual thanks.

Dear Lord, teach me to know you so well that every day

I would be grateful for who you are and what you do.

Some things to strengthen your gratitude:

  • Take five minutes of focused attention on how wonderfully profound God’s unique character is. He is the holy Lord of the universe who shows you mercy, grace, and love.

  • Think about how God has come to your rescue, shown you grace, or has been very kind to you.  Then, tell the Lord how grateful you are of who he is and what he does in your life.

  • With pen in hand, write in a journal how contemplating who this holy and supreme God is and what he does, moves you.


You can find a more in-depth explanation for this type of gratitude in ThanksLiving: Gaining a Perspective to Enrich Your Life. To purchase your copy from Amazon, click on the button below. Thank you!